Posted in Bible, Blessed, Faith, Hope


Hey everyone, it’s debbie here. Today, I want to talk about the power hope and faith in challenging times.

We often hear people saying “I hope everything works out” or ” Lets hope things get better,” but what does HOPE really mean? Hope is the expectation that something good is going to happen.

When faced with bad news, it’s easy to let fear and anxiety take over, making us feel overwhelmed and hopeless. But I’ve learned that we shouldn’t let the devil’s lies control us. Instead, we should be strong and believe that God is in control. He wants us to expect great things and have faith that everything will work out.

I remember I went to the eye doctor recently because my vision was blurry. I could have let fear set in when they referred me to a specialist for further glaucoma tests, but I chose to trust in God’s plan. Similarly, in 2018 when I was diagnosed with a nasopharyngeal tumor, I could have been consumed by fear, worries if it was cancer but with faith and the support of great medical professionals, like Dr Terrence Zipfel I underwent surgery at Salem Community Hospital in Salem Ohio and the tumor turned out to be benign.

I hold onto Jeremiah 29:11, which reminds me that God has plans for my welfare, not for evil, but for good and great things. By staying hopeful, reading the Bible, and strengthening my faith, I’ve learned to overcome fear and let go of worry.

So remember, even when things don’t go as planned, having faith and hope can lead us through difficult times. Ask God to show you his plan, it may be different than what you have in mind, and trust in God’s plan, pray, read your Bible, and watch your faith grow stronger. The devil has no place in our lives when we focus on God’s promises. Let’s choose hope over fear and walk confidently in faith.

Gave a blessed day.

Posted in Thursday

New Series – Exploring the 3 Types of Death in The Bible

Good morning

Our Prayer for a Great Thursday:
As we navigate this Thursday, may we be filled with gratitude, joy, and the strength to overcome any challenges that come our way. Amen

Positive Quote of the Day:
“Embrace each day with a thankful heart and a positive mindset. Your outlook shapes your reality. Believe in the beauty beginnings and the endless possibilities that each day holds.”

I am excited to share that starting Saturday, I’ll be starting a 5-part series I have been working on, exploring the 3 types of death in the Bible and what we can do to ensure our place with our Heavenly Father, when it’s our turn to go to the other side.

Stay tuned!

Happy Thursday to all! Let’s make today amazing. đź’«

Posted in Faith, Jesus,, Life, Ministry

Finding Strength in Serving the Lord: A Reflection on Joshua 24:15

In Joshua 24:15, the verse “but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord” encapsulates a powerful declaration of faith and commitment. While the promise to serve the Lord is steadfast, it’s essential to recognize that this commitment doesn’t exempt us from life’s challenges. Instead, it empowers us with the strength and resilience needed to navigate through them.

Serving the Lord doesn’t promise a life free from problems, hardships, or trials. In fact, throughout the Bible, we encounter numerous examples of faithful individuals who faced immense struggles despite their devotion to God. However, what sets them apart is their unwavering trust and reliance on the Lord to see them through.

When we choose to serve the Lord, we are not promised immunity from adversity, but we are assured of His presence with us every step of the way. This presence provides us with the strength, courage, and wisdom necessary to confront and overcome whatever challenges may come our way.

One of the key aspects of serving the Lord is the transformation it brings to our perspective. Instead of viewing problems as insurmountable obstacles, we see them as opportunities for growth and refinement. Through our trials, we learn to lean on God’s strength rather than our own, trusting in His plans even when they seem beyond our understanding.

Moreover, serving the Lord fosters a sense of community and support within our households. When we make the conscious decision to prioritize God in our lives, we create an environment where faith, love, and grace abound. As a result, we can draw strength from one another as we journey together in serving the Lord.

Furthermore, serving the Lord enables us to find meaning and purpose in the midst of our struggles. Rather than allowing difficulties to overwhelm us, we can channel our energies into serving others and making a positive difference in the world around us. In doing so, we discover that our trials have the potential to become testimonies of God’s faithfulness and provision.

Ultimately, serving the Lord isn’t a guarantee of a trouble-free life, but it is a source of unfailing strength and hope. It’s a daily choice to trust in God’s promises, to seek His guidance, and to rely on His unfailing love. And as we journey through life with this unwavering commitment, we can rest assured that we will emerge stronger, more resilient, and more deeply rooted in our faith than ever before. So, let us echo the words of Joshua: “but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

Posted in Faith, Lent

Lent Week 2

In the gospel passage for this Sunday, Jesus leads his disciples away from the bustling market to a serene mountaintop, a familiar place for him to pray. However, what unfolds on this mountain is extraordinary and unexpected. Jesus undergoes a profound transformation, his countenance radiant like the sun and his garments gleaming white as light itself. The disciples are surely awestruck by this spectacle, yet amidst the wonder, Peter manages to articulate his amazement with the heartfelt words, ‘Lord, it is wonderful for us to be here.’

As we traverse through Lent alongside Jesus on his journey to Jerusalem, we recognize the impending trials he must endure—betrayal, denial, condemnation, and crucifixion. Sensing the disciples’ apprehension, Jesus offers them a glimpse of his divine glory, an assurance of what lies ahead.

This moment of glory, meant as an encouragement for the disciples, also resonates with us today. In times of fear, doubt, and wavering faith, we too seek reassurance and fortitude from Jesus as we progress through Lent. Our prayers, fasting, and acts of charity are not without purpose; they propel us towards the promise of Easter’s resurrection. Just as Jesus’ transformation foretold his resurrection, our participation in his suffering leads to sharing in his glory.

Amidst the Lenten journey, let us hold on to the hope that St. Paul speaks of in Romans—the hope of being raised to new life through our unity with Christ. When faced with the temptation to falter, let us gaze upon the transfigured Christ, envisioning the future of fulfillment in God’s Kingdom, not just at Easter but in eternity.

As we navigate Lent’s challenges, may we heed the divine call echoing from the mountaintop, “This is my Son, Listen to him.”

Posted in Advent

Rediscovering Joy: Advent Reflections on the Incarnation

The timeless carol “Joy to the World” finds its roots in Psalm 98, resonating with the anticipation of Christ’s reign. The proclamation to “shout joyfully to the Lord” reflects the essence of Christmas, celebrating the arrival of our Savior who will judge the earth and reveal righteousness.

Reflecting on the phrase “Let every heart prepare Him room,” we are reminded of those who made room for Jesus during the first Christmas. Mary physically carried the Savior, Joseph embraced him in his heart, and the Magi rearranged their schedules to reach Bethlehem. The question lingers: Are we making room for Jesus in our lives, echoing the resounding joy of our salvation?

In the hustle and bustle of life, joy can be easily lost. Even David, a man after God’s own heart, experienced a joyless season, as seen in possibly Psalm 32. Yet, Psalm 51 reveals his heartfelt prayer for the restoration of the joy of salvation. In times of joylessness and fear, the Good News of Christ remains a balm, as expressed in Luke 2:10 with the angel’s proclamation of “great joy” at the birth of the Savior.

The shepherds, initially anxious, found comfort and joy in the news of the Savior’s birth. Likewise, we can find solace in the great joy that comes with celebrating the Incarnation—the awe-inspiring moment when God entered humanity.

As we navigate the holiday season, let the reminder of Christ’s birth kindle a profound joy within. Consider the incredible joy of the Incarnation, embracing the reality of God with us. In the midst of life’s chaos, may the timeless message of Christmas rekindle joy and gratitude in our hearts.

Posted in Faith

Overcoming Fear Part 2

In the face of life’s challenges, it’s essential to turn to faith rather than succumb to fear. Romans 8:31 reminds us that if God is for us, who can be against us? The unwavering support of a higher power encourages us to persevere even in the darkest moments.

Meditating on scripture becomes a source of solace, reinforcing the idea that God, who gave His Son for us, will provide everything we need. The message is clear: don’t quit, don’t give up. Fear should not dictate our actions; instead, we should recognize that God’s love is unconditional.

Understanding our worth in God’s eyes is crucial. Perfect love from the divine casts out fear, and we are reminded not to fear, for God is always with us. Resisting the temptations that fear presents, especially when facing adversity, is a testament to staying strong in the Lord.

The pitfalls of comparison are emphasized – comparing ourselves to others robs us of the blessings that God has uniquely tailored for us. Each individual is made perfectly by God, and recognizing this truth liberates us from the shackles of comparison.

The declaration from Psalm 118:6, “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear,” serves as a powerful affirmation. Personal experiences, such as overcoming the fear in a marriage to an abusive partner, underscore the transformative power of faith.

In conclusion, the message is clear: no matter the challenges, God’s love is unwavering. Embracing faith over fear is not just a choice; it’s a path to healing and strength. As Psalm 118:24 reminds us, “This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” May this serve as a beacon of hope for those navigating life’s uncertainties. Have a blessed day!

Posted in Blessed, Blogging

Finding Thankfulness in Trials

Exploring Psalms 119:65-72
While Thanksgiving often revolves around expressing gratitude for God’s blessings, have you ever considered thanking Him for challenges that may not immediately appear as blessings? A truly thankful heart is most precious to God when, from a human perspective, our circumstances don’t seem conducive to gratitude. By embracing four foundational decisions, we can begin to recognize the value in our adversities and respond with appreciation.

  1. Embrace faith and trust in the Lord: Understanding life from a scriptural perspective enables us to comprehend His purposes in our trials and trust His wisdom in allowing them.
  2. Acknowledge the situation as from God’s hand: Whether directly sent or permissively allowed, recognizing that every difficulty comes from His loving hand allows us to genuinely express gratitude.
  3. Submit to God in the circumstance: Even if we dislike the situation, acknowledging that God “is good and does good” (v. 68) empowers us to confidently place our lives under His authority.
  4. Draw strength from Him to endure: Enduring hardships with gratitude is beyond human capability. By relying on the Lord, believers can navigate adversity with an appreciative heart.

Now, reconsider the circumstance you wish to change and, with a renewed mindset, offer this prayer to God: “Lord, I accept this situation as coming from You. In faith and trust, I place myself under Your loving authority and draw from You the strength I need to endure with gratitude.”

Posted in gratitude, joyful-echoes, Life, Uncategorized

Balancing a Busy Schedule: A Few Practical Ways to Make Time for God

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding time for spiritual nourishment can be a daunting task. The desire to connect with the divine is there, but how do you make time for God amidst the million and one things on your to-do list? We understand that the struggle is real, but making time for God is not only crucial for our spiritual well-being but also essential for maintaining our sanity. It’s not about having the time; it’s about making the time. In this blog post, we will explore seven practical ways to incorporate God into your busy schedule.

  1. Take a Good Hard Look at Your Schedule:
    The first step is to assess your current schedule. Keep a diary or catalog of your daily activities for a week. Ask yourself questions like: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? What are my daily routines? Where does my time go after work? How much time do I spend on social media, watching the news, or TV? By identifying time pockets, you can find small increments to dedicate to God. Sacrificing just 5-10 minutes can make a significant difference in your spiritual journey.
  2. Start Small:
    Ambition is admirable, but setting unrealistic goals can lead to burnout. Rather than vowing to spend hours in prayer and reading the Word every day, begin with more achievable goals. Start with just a few minutes each day and gradually build up as your routine becomes more ingrained.
  3. Stick with It so Making Time for God Becomes a Habit:
    Creating new habits around spending time with the Lord is the key to success. It takes time to establish a habit, and research suggests it can take 21 days to do so. If you’re struggling at the beginning, don’t lose heart. Keep going, and soon, spending time with God will become as natural as your morning cup of coffee.
  4. Choose Quality over Quantity:
    Quality matters more than quantity. Rather than rushing through daily rituals like reading a chapter of the Bible or prayer, focus on truly absorbing the teachings and connecting with God. A meaningful 10-minute interaction is more valuable than an unfocused hour. It’s not about how much time you spend but how well you spend it.
  5. Find Your Rhythm:
    Discovering your personal rhythm for making time for God might take some trial and error. Embrace this journey as part of the process. Experiment with different times of the day or environments until you find what works best for you. Your spiritual journey is unique, and your rhythm will reflect that uniqueness.

Making time for God in a busy schedule is indeed a challenge, but it’s a challenge worth pursuing. By assessing your schedule, starting small, building habits, prioritizing quality, and finding your rhythm, you can create a practical and sustainable routine that allows you to connect with the divine in your daily life. Remember, it’s not about having time; it’s about making time for God in your life, and the benefits to your spiritual well-being and overall sanity are immeasurable.

The Timeless Connection: Growing Closer to God through a Lifelong Journey

In a world filled with constant distractions, the timeless act of spending quality time with God and reading the Bible remains a source of inspiration and spiritual growth for people of all ages. From toddlers to the elderly, the more time we invest in this sacred practice, the stronger our desire to continue deepening our relationship with God becomes.

A Foundation for Life

For toddlers, the Bible can be a source of simple stories and moral lessons that lay the foundation for their faith journey. Through colorful pictures and engaging narratives, they begin to grasp the concept of God’s love and the importance of kindness and compassion.

A Lifelong Learning Journey

As children grow, their understanding of the Bible and their relationship with God evolve. They delve into more complex stories and teachings, building a deeper connection with their faith. The Bible becomes a guide, offering wisdom and guidance through life’s ups and downs.

Teenage Years and Beyond

During the teenage years, the desire to spend time with God and dive into the Bible can take on new meaning. It offers solace and guidance during a time of self-discovery and the challenges of adolescence. The Bible becomes a companion, helping them navigate life’s complexities and moral dilemmas.

Adults and Beyond

For adults and the elderly, the Bible is a wellspring of wisdom, comfort, and spiritual nourishment. The more time they devote to studying its verses and reflecting on its teachings, the more profound their connection with God becomes. This connection sustains them through life’s trials and triumphs, offering a sense of purpose and belonging.

A Lifelong Desire

The beauty of spending time with God and reading the Bible is that the more we invest, the more we receive. It’s a lifelong journey that transcends age and time. Regardless of where we are in life, the desire to deepen our relationship with God and explore the treasures of the Bible only grows stronger. The timeless connection with the divine provides a sense of fulfillment and purpose that enriches our lives at every stage.

Posted in Uncategorized

The reality that there is both light and darkness around us at all times.

“May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”

This passage from Colossians emphasizes the transformation that occurs when we turn from darkness to light through our faith in Jesus Christ. It reminds us that as believers, we have been rescued from the domain of darkness and are now part of God’s kingdom of light. We are called to walk as children of light, as Ephesians 5:8 also emphasizes.

As we navigate the dualities of light and darkness in this world, let us remember that God’s desire is to shape us into reflections of His Son, Jesus, and to fill us with His glorious light. In our pursuit of the light, may we find endurance, patience, and joy, giving thanks for the forgiveness of our sins and the inheritance we share with the saints in light.

Let us be encouraged to open our eyes and see the glorious light before us each day, and to let it guide our steps and actions as we walk in faith.

Posted in Anxiety, Bible, Calm, Uncategorized

Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos: 10 Bible Verses about Anxiety

In the fast-paced, stress-inducing world we live in, anxiety has become an all-too-familiar companion for many of us. We’ve all experienced moments when our hearts race, our thoughts whirl, and our minds become consumed by worry. But what does God say about anxiety? Is there solace to be found in the pages of the Bible? The answer is a resounding yes. In this blog post, we’ll explore ten Bible verses about anxiety to provide you with comfort, strength, and a sense of peace when you find yourself under attack.

1. Psalm 61:2 (NIV):

“From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”

– In times of weakness and despair, this verse reminds us to call upon God, who is our refuge and strength. He is the rock that provides stability when our hearts grow faint.

2. 1 Samuel 1:

The story of Hannah is a poignant reminder that even in the face of deep sorrow and longing, God hears our prayers and grants us the desires of our hearts. Hannah’s distress at her inability to conceive children resonates with anyone facing unfulfilled hopes.

3. Psalm 6:

King David, a man after God’s own heart, experienced moments of intense stress and turmoil. Psalm 6 is a heartfelt cry to the Lord during his trials. It teaches us that it’s okay to pour out our anxieties to God, as He is our source of strength and comfort.

4. Luke 22:44:

Even Jesus, the Son of God, faced overwhelming anxiety before His crucifixion. His anguish was so profound that He sweat drops of blood. This verse reminds us that God understands our deepest fears and anxieties, even in the most challenging moments of our lives.

5. Psalm 34:4 (NIV):

“I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.”

– When we seek God in times of anxiety, He responds. This verse reassures us that God is our deliverer, and He can free us from all our fears.

6. Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV):

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

– A well-known passage, this verse emphasizes the importance of turning to prayer instead of anxiety. God’s peace is promised to guard our hearts and minds when we surrender our worries to Him.

7. Matthew 6:25-27 (NIV):

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

– In this passage, Jesus reminds us of God’s care for us, emphasizing that worry does not add any value to our lives. Trusting in God’s provision can help alleviate anxiety.

8. Isaiah 41:10 (NIV):

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

– God’s reassuring words in this verse remind us of His constant presence and support. When fear and anxiety creep in, we can find strength and solace in God’s loving presence.

9. Proverbs 12:25 (NIV):

“Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.”

– This proverb highlights the impact of anxiety on our hearts and the power of kind and encouraging words. Sometimes, a supportive friend can be a balm for our anxious souls.

10. 2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV):

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.”

– God’s Spirit within us provides the strength to overcome anxiety. It empowers us to face our fears with love and self-discipline, rather than succumbing to worry.

In the pages of the Bible, we find a treasure trove of verses that offer solace, encouragement, and strength in times of anxiety. God is intimately aware of our struggles and invites us to cast our cares upon Him. These ten Bible verses about anxiety serve as a reminder that, with God’s presence and His promises, we can find peace in the midst of life’s chaos.