Posted in joyful-echoes, Summer, Uncategorized

Jesus is Like

Jesus is like a classic muscle car.

Jesus is often depicted as a savior, protector and guide, much like a classic car that can be relied upon to get you where you need to go. Just like a vintage car that has been maintained and cared for over time, Jesus has stood the test of time, providing hope and comfort to people throughout history.

One of the most important attributes of a classic race car is its reliability. Similarly, Jesus is someone we can always count on in times of trouble or need. He is a constant source of support, offering unwavering emotional and spiritual guidance to those who seek it.

Another similarity between Jesus and a classic race car is their ability to inspire awe and admiration. A well-maintained vintage car can leave people speechless, and the teachings of Jesus have had a profound impact on millions of people around the world. Both have a timeless quality that continues to capture the imaginations of people today.

Finally, both Jesus and a classic race car represent a connection to the past. They are symbols of a bygone era, reminding us of the values, traditions and beliefs that were once so important to us. By celebrating these connections, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

Jesus can be compared to a classic car in many ways. Both offer dependability, inspiration and a connection to the past. By recognizing these similarities, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the timeless qualities that make each of them unique.


The body always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is listening and doing what your body needs. I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in 1997ish, Avascular Necrosis aka Osteonecrosis in my knee in 2014 and Factor V Leiden hetero, and Spondylolisthesis 2005ish Health Advocate-Health Activist-World Changer Love photography, cooking, hiking, walking ,traveling and learning to live a new normal since my diagnosis. My Links Facebook Main Profile Main Blog Twitter - Instagram - and Support Group Avascular Necrosis/Osteonecrosis Support Int’l Awareness for Avascular Necrosis & Other Conditions of The Bone and Joints Avascular Necrosis Awareness Day November 29 – working with elected officials to get this recognized in all states Avascular Necrosis-Osteonecrosis Knowledge and Education Facebook Link

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